Sam Aleksov
Engineering software over the last two decades, endeavouring into fresh entrepreneurial ideas involving novel virtual production approaches, UAVs and IoT. Sam Aleksov shares his experience from working and doing research for industry leading companies, pioneering and combining new technologies. Born in Bulgaria in 1989, Sam first began programming on his Olivetti 286S and after his family moved to Milan Italy, he continued his computer science education in a specialised high school, tinkering with flip-flops, logic gates, Zilog Z80s, primitive graphics programming with Turbo Pascal; to later enroll into the University Of Milan – Bicocca and follow with self teaching and certifying himself in computer graphics and classical mechanics.
Beginning his first entrepreneurial achievements in the early days of Android, he managed to reach a user base of 3 million and publish several successful mobile applications. Sam began his corporate career at WideSide Sagl, consulting and making impact on clients the caliber of Reply, Altran, Intesa SanPaolo, Vodafone, Allianz, Marazzi (Mohawk Industries) and FCA.
2016 marked a special year for him as he decided to move back to Bulgaria and join EPAM Systems, a company he’s currently engaged with and where he managed to apply all of his previous knowledge and experience some of his best clients so far. From mobile development for US-based start-ups and edge software architectures to breakthrough computer graphics stacks with DreamWorks Animation. In his free time Sams hobby is to program his UAVs, upgrade and evolve his virtual production sets and 3D printers. As somebody who grew up in Italy, his heart stays with supercars and the raw bond they provide while taking software, hardware and mechanics to the limits.
Sharing your GPU
So far we’ve gone to great lengths about virtualising all of our computers’ resources, except the GPU. After building my own cloud infrastructure a couple of years ago and dealing with different GPU pass-through approaches, recently, with all the hardware shortages and crazy GPU pricing, I decided it was time to tackle this problem once again, so it’s time that I share my findings.
There’s something in this talk for everybody, AI researchers, Gamers, Software Developers, DevOps, Entrepreneurs, etc…